Project by
BOOSTER는 다양한 프로젝트와 경험을 토대로 소비자가 원하는 니즈를 중점에 두고 디자인합니다.
모던하고 감성적인 디자인을 추구하며 최상의 기능성원단을 사용하여
쾌적하고 자유로운 활동으로 편안한 액션을 추구합니다.
Design by BOOSTER
Creative mines
of the world

Booster is a specialized water sports brand
named after the motive of a lizard
that survives with marvelous adaptation is dry deserts
and a variety of environments.
Design by BOOSTER
Creative mines of the world

Booster is a specialized water sports brand
named after the motive of a lizard
that survives with marvelous adaptation is dry deserts
and a variety of environments.
Design by BOOSTER
Creative mines of the world
  • OWNER 노은정
  • C.P.O 노은정
  • E-mail
  • TEL 02-484-0519
  • FAX 02-479-0519
  • MALL ORDER LICENSE 제 2014-서울강동-2014호 [사업자정보확인]
  • BUSINESS LICENSE 233-01-06896
  • ADDRESS 05295 서울특별시 강동구 양재대로 136길 11(명일동) B1 부스터(BOOSTER)